
“Dear Paul and Ryan,

The class has been a good refresher cause for things I don’t use daily. You have taught me new ideas and techniques for investing and different approaches for increasing my retirement income coming soon. Thanks for spending the week with us and all the information you taught. Wishing you health and happiness in your next fifty years!”

Marilyn D.

“Dear Ryan,

I wanted to thank you for teaching the fundamentals of finance in San Francisco in January. Your energy, depth of knowledge and most of all your passion were greatly appreciated. Also, thank you for the extra time you gave us to teach personal finance, it was the most helpful.”

Sincerely, Wendy H

“Dear Ryan and Paul,

I just wanted to take a quick minute to thank you both for taking time out of your schedule to come teach our finance class. You turned something we all feared would be boring and tedious and made it a fun & enjoyable, learning experience – a very rare talent. I have already been putting this knowledge to use at work and home, and I hope I continue to do so.

Best of luck with Little League and your new marching band! What a great project! I hope I can do the same one day. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and experience.”

Kay N.

“Hey Paul,

I haven’t been back for more than 1 hour but I had to get this note sent out right away! I wanted to tell you that was without a doubt the most informative & interesting 1 ½ days I’ve spent with this company, period! I really appreciate your sincerity, commitment, & enthusiasm. I will definitely be calling you in the near future to arrange at least 1 program in my area of responsibility. Thanks again!”


“Dear Mr. Ferraresi,

I attended the recent financial management seminar you taught in Palm Springs and I want to thank you again for the extra time you spent teaching us how to manage our personal finances. The whole seminar was of the best and most instructive I’ve attended. Unfortunately I can’t take advantage of the offer you made in class at this time, but the good news is my husband and I have started working on our estate planning and looking for a qualified certified estate planner. We’ve also discussed the conceptual meeting questionnaire and will be coming to you for help in the future.

Again, thank you for getting us jump started, and thinking about our future requirements and goals.”

With appreciation, Jose C.

“Paul and Ryan,

Thank you for brining so much more than subject matter knowledge to this seminar. Your energy, your humor and your passion brought it to life. I’ll never look at my 401k without thinking of you! Thank you!”

Arlene H.

“Dear Ryan,

Thank you for coming to coach us on Finance. Thank you especially for your passion and for your work. You are one very effective trainer. You have caused me to commit to develop a long term strategy for my families finance. You’ve taken me to the next level Paul! Keep up the good work.”

Sincerely, Dan B.

“Dear Mr. Ferraresi

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the seminar you led on “Understanding Economic Indicators” in New York City last week. The seminar was both stimulating and informative. Your amiable facilitation engendered active participation from the seminar attendees. I was apprehensive since this was my first professional seminar since completing my masters at Stanford University. I was pleasantly surprised at the ease with which I was able to participate. The seminar was a valuable learning experience in both an empirical and broader sense. It reaffirmed my belief that economics ca neither be studied nor applied in a vacuum. It is important to continually enhance both economic theory and practical application, and assess the constraints and limitations in both these areas. I realized that I am eager to pursue further study in the field of international economics. Your significant contributions to your community and your dedication to higher education provide positive role models. I would like to thank you once again for proving me with insight into economic indicators and the varied ways in which I can aspire to apply business tools.”

Respectfully yours, Rachel M.

To Paul and Ryan:

“ In ancient times, those who governed well did not arm, Those who armed well, did not set up battle lines, Those who set up battle lines well, did not fight, Those who fought well did not lose, Those who lost well did not perish”

You all govern finances well. Thank you!

Sincerely Roger B.

“Dear Paul,

On behalf of all the Glaxo Wellcome team members who participated in your seminar last week, I would like to express a sincere ‘thank you.” The quality of your message is exceeded only by the passion of your delivery. We would welcome the opportunity to have you return in the near future to discuss other subjects such as tax planning, as well as to share the current program with other managers in the company. We were also interested in the possibility of making your services available to groups of key physicians as a value-added program (despite your feelings about physicians).

Again, your expertise and conviction had a powerful impact upon me and my colleagues, and we are very appreciate. I look forward to speaking with you soon.”

Sincerely, Jim D.

“Dear Paul and Ryan,

I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar in Atlanta. I have taken several seminars in the last several years, and you are one of the best facilitators I have come across. You said you hoped you would touch at least one person in the class. You definitely touched me and the timing is perfect. Just before I went to the seminar, my wife, Kathy, and I were discussing finding a financial planner. I learned more about personal finance in your class that I could have ever hoped to, and would like to take you up on your offer to do an analysis of our current financial situation.”

Regards, David M.

“Paul and Ryan,

A note of thanks for doing your finance programs for our customers. The feedback as always was very positive. It was great to relax + share jokes with dinner. You are always welcome + feel free to drop in if out for a drive with mom & dad. (Please call ahead because 3 girls keep us on the go.) I’d love my family to meet you.”

Regards, Tom


Thank you for sharing with us not only your knowledge, but some of your personal history. And your time, and humor…I truly enjoyed the class and the learningexperience. It has helped me understand some of the recent decisions my company made. From a personal aspect, I realize how poorly I have managed my money because of lack of discipline. Although it may take me a while to get into the single routine, I plan to continue to learn and invest. Besides “The richest man in Babylon” I have started reading “The Wealthy Barber.” Thanks again for your inspiration.”

Linda H.


Thanks for waking us up! Now it is up to us to work hard! Thanks for the time you took in teaching us the skills & knowledge we need to be successful in our finances!”

Carl H.

“Dear Paul and Ryan,

I’m writing to let you know how much I enjoyed your recent finance class in LA. Iwas moved, motivated, inspired, and truly hope to attend a future presentation. It is indeed an honor to be able to learn from someone with your qualities and commitments. Thank you for your efforts."

George C.


Thanks for taking time to go over the extra information regarding Personal Financial Wealth.”

Michael H.


I wanted to thank you for the extra time you spent educating me. A lot of the information to get started and stop waiting really hit home. You’ve significantly changed my thinking in my personal financing.”

Ben H.

“Dear Paul and Ryan,

I would like to express my sincere ‘thanks’ to all of you for your help and for working with me. I feel grateful for your advice + assistance, and I am glad to be working with you. I know you are helping me very much, both now and for my future.”

Thank you! Yoreu S.

Dear Paul,

I did not get the chance to shake your hand upon completion of the Orlando seminar, and for that I feel remiss. You poured out a foundation that I can build on, and for that I am in your debt; low interest please. I enjoyed the pieces of philosophy you shared in the form of poems. I leave you a piece of my philosophy, courtesy of Sun


“To Mr. Ferraresi

I felt compelled to write you a brief note to express my sincere appreciation and heartfelt thank you! I have attentively listened and observed your style of communication and unquestionable prowess to the subjects of finance and investments. I must tell you that you have touched my heart in this matter as you had hoped. As one of your subjects in the audience, and a family man of three, you have offered an entirely new picture for my direction both professionally and personally. Your passion for teaching others what you both learned and experience is a credit to your wisdom and gods working in your life.Thank you Mr. Ferraresi, I hope to somehow cross in your path again.”

Sincerely Jeffrey N.

“Dear Paul,

There are very few times in one’s lifetime where you know you’ve met someone who will have a major impact in your life. I now know that for me, you are one of those people in my life! Thank you for a wonderful, insightful, and very entertaining seminar. What I learned in class will help me in my 9 to 5 job and for that I am very grateful. However, I cannot thank you enough for what I learned in the additional training you gave before and after class regarding personal financial planning. I have often wished I could find someone who was, not only knowledgeable and successful, but more importantly, someone who I felt I could trust. I believe I have found that with you. There must have been an angel on my shoulder steering me to this class because I had the option of going to several other cities for this training. I feel very blessed that I chose this one and that you were the person who taught the class.

Best Regards, Eva B.